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Barrington Moore Memorial Award in Biological Science
This award recognizes outstanding achievement in biological research leading to the advancement of forestry. Biological research includes such fields as forest ecology, fire ecology, forest soil science, forest hydrology, forest wildlife or fish ecology, forest or tree physiology, forest genetics, forest pathology, forest entomology, forest carbon cycle science, and ecological aspects of managerial or quantitative fields like silviculture, agroforestry, or biometrics.
The award consists includes a $1,000 honorarium, one complimentary SAF convention registration, and up to $500 to offset national convention travel expenses. The award is presented at the SAF national convention.
Nominees need not be SAF members and can include both employed or retired nominees. The award will not be made posthumously. Nominees shall not have won any other SAF national science awards within 5 years of this nomination.
Evaluation will be based on meeting the following criteria:
Nominees shall be acknowledged leaders in their discipline who have demonstrated initiative in addressing relevant scientific questions. Evidence of ability to organize symposiums and workshops and provide technology transfer to practitioners and researchers is also required.
Research Quality
Nominees’ work shall be of the highest quality and strictly adhere to professional standards.
Research Productivity
Nominees’ shall have a substantive history of publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and technical proceedings. Evidence of the ability to acquire substantive research funding from a variety of sources is required. Evidence of ability to organize symposiums and workshops and provide technology transfer to practitioners and researchers is also required.
Research Innovation
Nominees shall have a history of innovative approaches to research and shall have used a variety of research methodologies appropriate to their discipline.
Research Impact
Nominees’ work shall have significantly affected the course of subsequent research or the practice of forestry or associated activities. Their research must have resulted in a clear advancement in forestry.
Beyond merely being distinguished, nominees’ research must be relevant both nationally and internationally.
Your nomination packet must include:
- A letter from the nominator demonstrating that the nominee meets the award criterion. Each of the criteria must be addressed separately in a brief paragraph.
- Curriculum vitae of nominee consisting of name, address, present title or position, education, academic degrees, major positions held, membership in scientific and professional societies and lists of publications, honors, awards, and technology transfer activities.
- At least two letters of endorsement from peers on the nominee’s achievements with the award criteria.
- Recent, digital headshot photograph of a minimum 300 dpi.
About Barrington Moore
Barrington Moore was a prominent member of the first generation of American foresters joining SAF in 1911. From Yale University he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts (1906) and Master of Forestry (1908). Moore conducted research in forest ecology, where some of the early results published in the 1917 Journal of Forestry, dealing with the reproduction of red spruce, balsam fir, and white pine, and with osmotic pressure as an index of habitat. His interests extended to the broad field of forestry. In 1919 and 1920, he was elected president of the Ecological Society of America. His breadth of view and his recognition of the need for cooperation among ecologists led to his selection as the first editor-in chief of Ecology for 12 years. In SAF, he served on several committees with his major contribution as chair of the Committee on Forest Policy. Appointed in 1929, this committee prepared the first truly comprehensive forest policy statements ever attempted by the Society.
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