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Outstanding Forestry Journalism Award
This award recognizes high quality journalistic coverage of topics that increase the American public’s understanding of forestry and natural resources. The award includes an honorarium of $500, complimentary SAF convention registration, and up to $500 to offset national convention travel expenses.
Nominations are accepted only from SAF state, multistate, or intrastate societies and each unit may submit only one nomination each year.
This award may be presented to an individual involved in print (magazine, newspaper, book, etc.), television, or radio journalism. Eligible categories are:
- A single story or series on a key forestry or natural resources topic.
- A documentary, special in-depth story, or book.
- The best coverage of a single subject on a continuing basis.
The nominee need not be a member of SAF.
Nominations must demonstrate all the following:
- Story-telling ability that builds public understanding, and, if present, visual elements that convey the same story as the narrative.
- The ability to break down a subject while maintaining the integrity of a topic.
- Coverage that is useful to key leaders and leads to improved public understanding.
- The potential to advance forestry science, management, and/or education.
- The level of impact the media event/ story had on the public including the targeted audiences.
Your nomination packet must include:
- A letter from the nominator demonstrating that the nominee meets all the award criteria, with each criterion addressing separately in a brief paragraph.
- A sample of the journalism entry.
- Recent, digital headshot photograph of a minimum 300 dpi.
Click here to view all Outstanding Forestry Journalism Award Recipients