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Honorary Membership
This award recognizes individuals whose contributions to forestry are viewed as outstanding by their peers. The award is presented during the SAF national convention and includes a complimentary convention registration and lifetime membership in SAF.
Nominees cannot be current SAF members or professional foresters/natural resource professionals. Civic leaders are eligible for Honorary Member.
Honorary Members are individuals who have rendered distinguished service to forestry through development, diffusion and application of forestry knowledge, advancement and benefit of the welfare of society through forestry, and development of society’s awareness of forestry. There shall be two alternate qualifications for Honorary Member:
- Leaders who are not professional foresters but who have made outstanding and well-known contributions to forestry in America or abroad. Civic leaders and conservationists who have so contributed shall be eligible for Honorary Membership.
- Foresters from countries other than the United States, its possessions, Canada, or Mexico who have made outstanding professional contributions to forestry.
In general, American (domestic) candidates should be sufficiently outstanding that their contributions to forestry are well known to the Committee on Professional Recognition and to the SAF Board of Directors. International nominees (outside of the US) should be recognized as outstanding by their peers and should be known to members of the International Forestry Working Group.
Nominees will be evaluated based on:
- Distinguished service to forestry through development, diffusion and application of forestry knowledge.
- Advancement of the welfare of society through forestry.
- Development of society’s awareness of forestry.
Your nomination packet must include:
- A letter from the nominator demonstrating that the nominee meets the award criteria, with each criterion addressed separately in a brief paragraph.
- Three letters of endorsement addressing the award criteria.
- A biographical sketch that includes outstanding contributions to forestry.
- Recent, digital headshot photograph of a minimum 300 dpi.
Click here to view Past Honorary Members