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Young Forester Leadership Award
The Young Forester Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leadership by a young forestry professional in the development and promotion of an individual program or project, or for a sustained leadership role benefiting the practice of forestry and SAF.
The award is presented at the SAF national convention and includes an honorarium of $500, complimentary convention registration, and up to $500 to offset national convention travel expenses.
Nominees must be SAF members and under 40 years of age at close of nomination due date.
Evaluation will be based on:
- Outstanding leadership in the profession.
- Outstanding leadership in SAF.
- Sustained leadership roles benefiting the practice of forestry.
Your nomination packet must include:
- A letter from the nominator demonstrating that the nominee meets the award criteria, with each criterion addressed separately in a brief paragraph.
- Letters of endorsement, not to exceed three (in addition to the nomination letter), on the nominee's achievements with the award criteria.
- A biographical summary, not to exceed three pages.
- Recent, digital headshot photograph of a minimum 300 dpi.
Click here to view Young Forest Leadership Award Recipients