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W.D. Hagenstein Communicator Award
The W.D. Hagenstein Communicator Award recognizes an SAF member who displays the ability, talent, and skill to lead innovative and exemplary communications initiatives and programs that increase the general public's understanding of forestry and natural resources at the local, regional, or national level.
The award is presented during the SAF National Convention and includes a $500 honorarium and up to $500 to offset national convention travel expenses.
The nominee must be a member of SAF, must not be a recent recipient (within the last 5 years) of or current nominee for the Technology Transfer Award, and must not be a member of the national Committee on Professional Recognition.
Nominees must demonstrate success in one or more of the following communications initiatives:
- Outreach to media. Development or enhancement of outreach initiatives to local, regional, or national print, broadcast, or Internet media that result in journalistic coverage of forestry issues.
- Outreach to SAF members and other natural resource professionals. Development or enhancement of initiatives, such as SAF newsletters or websites, that help support public outreach efforts.
- Outreach to educators and youth groups. Development or enhancement of initiatives such as field trips and camps for schoolchildren, curricula, or traveling forest programs.
- Outreach to policymakers. Development or enhancement of initiatives such as field tours for policymakers and presentations/meetings with legislators, legislative staff, or other community leaders.
- Outreach to the general public. Development or enhancement of outreach initiatives such as those at local and state fairs, environmental conferences, career shows, and museums.
Your nomination packet must include:
- A letter from the nominator demonstrating that the nominee meets the award criteria, with each criterion addressed separately in a brief paragraph.
- Letters of endorsement, not to exceed three (in addition to the nomination letter), on the nominee’s achievements with the award criteria.
- A biographical summary not to exceed three pages.
- Up to three communication samples.
- Recent, digital headshot photograph of a minimum 300 dpi.
Click here to view W.D. Hagenstein Communicator Award Recipients